I’m the host of The Naked Connection podcast, and I’ve worked with countless individuals supporting them to build the connection they desire, become more masterful in their sex life, and get what they want from life. I’m also madly in love with uncovering how to make life epic.

Hi, I’m Kirsten!

I believe that sex and connections are the most amazing parts of our human experience and directly reflect how alive the rest of our life can be.

If you are curious about how I got here, I’d love to share…

I am competitive. I was once so competitive, some may say, it was a problem. Whether it wa being the perfect daughter, creating the best business, or getting the closest parking spot, losing simply wasn’t an option. In reality, it wasn’t so much winning that mattered; it was more making sure I didn’t lose.

This competitive nature lived within me from childhood. To contain this fire, my parents enrolled me in the one place where it was socially acceptable to beat people and be a savage: sports. I wasn’t a superstar, but consistent paid off, and I made my way onto a D1 College Swimming and Diving team in California with a full ride.

It was here where I lived out 5 fantastic years competing. We won our conference title; I set multiple school records, was on ESPN and ended my career competing at the U.S. Olympic Trials.

All my dreams came true…except one. I never found someone to share the glory with.

There is always a choice to change.

I wasn’t able to be in a stable, healthy relationship. I wanted a connection where I felt safe and loved. I wanted to have magical orgasmic experiences and connect with a man deeply during sex. I wanted that classic dating-your-best-friend relationship. I wanted to be someone’s MVP and cheerleader. And for them to be the same for me.

The truth was, I didn’t know how to ask for what felt good; I didn’t know how to connect with men romantically. I was awkward and shy around men. I had limiting beliefs in myself or confidence in who I was. I fumbled through nearly a decade of dating, sex, and relationships living this way.

After one too many ruined connections, I knew something had to change.

I became my first client.

If I wanted to figure this relationship thing out, I decided to look at it like training for a sport.

I realized, If I didn’t overcome this, if I didn’t change, I would spend my entire life missing out on love, great sex, and the partnership my heart and soul truly desired.

I set out on a mission to become more passionate, a better communicator, more confident, and able to surrender into the arms of a man. I stepped more into my feminine essence and softened into the beauty of life (happily putting some of my competitive nature on a permanent vacation).

I started studying, learning, and exploring as much as I could about sex, dating, and relationships. I took an 18-month Tantric love, relationship, and sexuality program, attended Tantric workshops in the jungle, and did daily sensual practices. I enrolled in grad school to study sexuality, relationships, and psychology. Now, I’ve created a pathway that incorporates this science-backed research with emotional and embodied practices to create positive change.

This work started with me but has led me to you.

During this time, I noticed that all the content out there online and in the media talked about how “masculinity is toxic,” “men can’t commit,” or that “all men want is to get laid.”…While at times sexual satisfaction is top of mind, if you’re reading this…I doubt that is all that you want.

Men deserve to feel confident and clear in their sex lives and connections.

I will never forget when I talked with a male friend. He was grappling with something, but I didn’t know what. He lingered in the kitchen longer than usual and finally said, “Can I ask your advice on something?”

I sat and listened in silence.

He began to reveal the unfoldings of his relationship, the way he felt used for his money and support…receiving nothing in return, how she would hold sex over his head (like a bargaining chip for when he behaved), and on top of that, he shared the nasty things his partner would say or yell at him.

I could see clearly what this woman was doing to him and, likely, why she was acting this way. It felt clear to me, but for him…it was confusing and painful. I asked questions to help him work through how he felt and what was happening, and I shared what insight I could without overstepping.

He thanked me and left. A few weeks later, he ended things with her, for good. In this moment, I realized I wanted to do more of this.

Myths about men’s sexuality…

The truth is…we live in a world where being the fullness of a man is perceived as “too much” or “overpowering,” where men’s sexuality is viewed as simple, and where long-term commitment remains a struggle. It’s time to change that.

I don’t want you to feel guilty for what you want, I don’t want you to be in a relationship where you are giving and not receiving anything in return. I don’t want you to be stuck in the state of knowing what you want and not knowing how to get there.

After helping my friend, it hit me…while I wasn’t happy with the culture of sex and dating, men weren’t happy either. So I started exploring this more and more with men. I went on a research rampage, having conversations with men about sex and connections…what frustrates you, what you want more of, what you secretly desire. And it was SO far from what media and society is pushing today, and even what we are telling our friends.

Sometimes what we desire most, we are too afraid to even admit to ourselves.

My goal is for you to have peace of mind and freedom.

If that means finding an amazing person to share your life with or entering a connection with mystical sexual experiences, we’ll go there. If it means learning how to feel more confident in yourself or ending a relationship and enjoying time on your own, let’s do it.

Whatever phase you are in, I’m here for you.